A Family Office are focused on providing an unbiased, optimal solution for all financial/legal/tax and legacy requirements of a high net worth family through a core group of experts. This team then becomes the family’s own resource that offers independent advice and seeks out the best products at the most optimal price from the marketplace along with operational efficiency. Finally, a family office helps the family to preserve and enhance the family capital and transfer it in a frictionless manner down generations.
We are able to add value in various ways to our existing select set of families through our holistic service offering which involves creating and implementing a customized strategy best suited for the family, the ability to evaluate & monitor investment managers, and a judicious selection of the appropriate investments in a cost-efficient manner. This is supported by a reporting platform giving consolidated status, appraisal, performance, re-balancing & analytical reports with the range and depth required for UHNI families. We work with select, high-end and exclusive families of India.